Arthurian Space Marine Chapter Organisation Chart

Just about back up to speed with my 40k stuff now, and hopefully I shall actually have some painted minatures to share soon. However, as I'm in the middle of moving house, I decided not to do anything too ambitious and though I might roll off another fluff document.

This is the chapter organisation chart for my Spears of Mawdryn Arthurian/Celtic Marine Chapter as it stands in the "present day." It only has three Companies, the rest being wiped in a bit of a massacre.... (is that an oxymoron?) Throughout its history, the Chapter has never really adhered to the Codex Astartes-prescribed organisation, and its companies have always been "Independent" - each containing their own Veterans, Support, Reserves etc., and as such able to deploy without awaiting for other elements of the Chapter to provide other required support or materiel.

Anyhoo, enough waffle, here's the chart. Some of the numbers, particularly where squads are concerned, are a little arbitrary at the moment. If you have any questions about the Chapter, fluff, pronunciation of Welsh/Brythonic names and terms.... just ask.


  1. Mate, i am loving this so far. Very excited to see more of this Welsh themed army - Cymru am Byth!

    1. Cheers Dai! Hopefully will have a few posts up very soon. Just hoping no one notices my slightly dubious translations for the purposes of fluff ;)

      Pob hwyl

    2. Dunno why I rarely come back to check on any replies to my nonsense comments. :)

      Just remember with this that it's the 41st Millenium - just like High Gothic's mimickery of Latin, your Welsh sounding stuff can likewise be just as inaccurate or incorrect. In the end, just do what sounds cool to you.

    3. Haha I have a habit of doing the same.

      That was just the idea Dai, you have it in one :) I generally try and stick to stuff that has some connection to reality but might sound a bit daft when translated. As far as names go, most are historical (Welsh, Breton and Cornish) but a few are complete fabrications

  2. That is exceedingly cool! I'm really looking forward to seeing it all come together. I love this sort of thing, keep up the great work!

    1. Ta muchly, hopefully it won't all disappoint :)

  3. So what's the release date for Codex: Mawdryn? Great work keep it up.

    1. Thanks Chris, once I've got my painting targets done then I might put a Codex: Mawdryn together properly ;)

  4. Your Chapter Org chart is a work of art, makes my effort look decidedly tatty lol. The theme you've chosen is very original and interesting, looking forward to seeing this develop.

    I'm another fan of this aspect of the hobby and you've given me a lift to go back and dust off my Chapter background project.

    1. Thanks very much Bix, I've not seen yours but I'm sure it's a stirling piece of work. This project has been a long time in the making (too long) and I'm finally glad it's all coming together.

      I think it's an overlooked part of the hobby in the days where a lot of people seem to be going on about tournaments all the time, but stuff like this has what's kept me in the 40k side of the hobby. Look forward to seeing your Chapter background stuff

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