I Aten't Dead

They say time goes quicker as you get older, so I must be aging at an exponential rate as the 3 months since my last post have flown by. In all fairness I've done very little wargames related so there's been little to report, that's through no lack of motivation but simply lack of time. A (sort of) promotion, house move and other hobbies (the horror) have taken up a bit more of my time than usual.

Could go well with Rogue Trader....
I have, without wanting to go on about it, lost a bit of love for GW. I had quite a while back. Beyond a shadow of a doubt a point has been reached where I can say they definitely don't make miniatures or games for me anymore. And that's fine, change is inevitable and no company owes me the games I'd like to see. I can still use older miniatures and play older games and older versions of current games. I just need a project to get me into it all again. Something that infuses a bit of Jodorowsky's Dune and the Jodoverse into Rogue Trader could be fun...

That said, I do have some Blood Bowl related plans in the pipeline, so watch this space. 

There's also plenty of historical goodness lined up, from an ACW map campaign that I'm planning and umpiring (see Ed's latest post on a superb ACW game on a budget), some French and Indian War stuff in the post and a few other projects lined up that you will see on both mine and Ed's blog shortly.


  1. Yay! a post from both you AND Ed in the same week! Feels like Xmas came early!

    Am with you on the Games Workshop slump. More and more of my stuff has been stuck up on Ebay of late and for once, there is no guilt.

    These new projects sound like a blast - so interesting and innovative. Wish I lived closer to see them in person.

    1. Haha, I know it's rarity these days Dai, ta very much. Yeah, it's just got to a point where I'm struggling to get past the "meh" but I hope I do at some point. Either way there's plenty of other gaming going on again so that's good. Well if you ever happen to find yourself back in Blighty let us know

  2. Oooh. Hello stranger.

    BFG graphics ? Looking forward to seeing some of those.

    1. Ta muchly, funnily enough I was piecing together the Thunderchild stuff the other day. Empires have risen and fallen in less time...

  3. Brother your post is nice I like your post very much. I usually read your blog post and follow your blog from several days you always create nice content which helps me keep it up brother history Marche


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