Status Report

Just thought I'd gove you good people an update as to what's going on here, as I know I've been a little quiet of late.

All is well, I've definitely not abandoned the blog, but have taken something of an unintentional sabbatical (as waves of work keep ambushing me) but have been able to chip away at a post that has taken far longer than it ever should have done. And fear not, there's still plenty more left to write about when I get back properly. Not hit the dreaded burn out yet.

Some of you may be aware that I've spent the last couple of years as a mature student (and feeling rather old...) and I'm now writing my final thesis and have exams looming, hence my sudden disappearance. I've also had a few doses of Real Life (TM) as it were, and unfortunately that's meant the the blog has had to take a lower priority for a while.

However, whilst this means my posting will be sporadic at best until around early June, then I should be back up to at least one post per week. And myself and Scipio still have plenty of games and projects lined up (as long as I don't needlessly complicate them, they should see the light of day sooner rather than later).


  1. all the best with the thesis =)

  2. You're not a mature student! It's all a sham. You sell miracle tonics from a suitcase under the Beckton flyover.

    Good luck for the thesis. Remember, ALL THE ANSWERS ARE C). No matter what you think the answer is, ALWAYS PUT C. Even if it's not multiple choice. Your examiner will find your determination and conviction far outweigh any lack of knowledge or understanding.

    1. Gah, caught out - but in other news I do have a special offer right now, 1 for the price of 2 on all bottles of Dr. Wenscombe's Consumption Cure (and Floor Polish)

      I've now edited the conclusion of my argument to C. That'll end up in a journal now.

  3. Best of luck with the education stuff - hard work at the best of times!

  4. Glad to head you're in the home stretch - Real Life(tm) must always take precedence. Best of luck with the thesis!

    1. Ta muchly sir, it'll be nice to get back to being able to post more often.

  5. Hi there, just found you blog, via the Palladian Guard. Looking forward to seeing more of the IN boarding party (in due course of course!), I have an unused gang of Orlocks that you have inspired me to put to an alternate use, cheers!

    I have an officer made from the IG vehicle sprue, painted white, but he's not as fancy as your officer!!
    I think I may give him a cutless, maybe from the Dark Elf corsair range...

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Great work! Very kind of you to say, done a bit more work on the Lieutenant and other crew that I haven't posted yet. Theres quite a few joint projects and games between myself and Scipio lurking in the archives here.

      Keep up the good work yourself

  6. Don't worry about us Kieran, we'll be here when life and Uni allow you to return. Good luck mate.

    1. Thanks very much Dai, hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later

  7. Good luck with the thesis, It been awhile since you posted and I worried that the warp had swallowed you up.

    1. Haha thanks Chris, still very much in real space (just about).

  8. "as long as I don't needlessly complicate them, they should see the light of day sooner rather than later"

    I almost laughed, until I saw my reflection.

    Good luck with the Thesis, let's hope spelchekka didn't auto correct something important.

    1. Haha, nice to know that I'm not the only one like that then.

      Thanks very much, I'm hoping that Quebec has not become Quiche, I'm not sure how many people would want to read about nationalist quiche. Actually, I probably would...


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