Flying the flag: Roundwood's World on game narrative

It's very rare that I share the posts of others, and not because I don't think they're worth sharing. Far, far from the case - I'm constantly impressed and inspired by the pieces that all you lovely people write. It's simply because I suspect I'd get into the habit of doing it and never write my own stuff.

However, I have to share this outstanding article by Sidney Roundwood of Roundwood's World. Many of you may have seen it already, however for those that haven't - you should.

The opening line sums it up perfectly: "How do we remember our wargames." I have said more than once that the games that I still remember are not the great victories (what victories) but are the ones that had a great narrative, they were a story. They were also the most enjoyable games. That's not to say that I don't play to win, but if I was solely interested in pure competition I would just play chess. And I think that's true of all of us to varying degrees. We want to bring something to life.

Few of us are Arnold Rimmer of Red Dwarf, who recalls a game of Risk in this manner:

"Anyway, to cut a long story short I threw a five and a four which beat
his three and a two, another double six followed by a double four and a 
double five. After he’d thrown a three and a two I threw a six and a three..."

No, it's the narrative, plot, theme, immersion or similar that often makes games memorable.

For a well-written and pratctical guide to how to include these elements in your games, you can't go wrong with Mr. Roundwood's article here.


  1. ... I threw a five and a two! Good shout out, thanks for the tip.

  2. On the shoulders of Giants, Headologist...on the shoulders of Giants!! You, and Colonel Scipio, are really showing the way forward in creating theme. Just take your Medical Report on Captain Nero - just terrific! But thanks for reblogging, all the same. It really has made my day!! And yes, that's a brilliant Rimmer quote!!


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