Rememberance Day

Heroism is latent in every human soul.... However humble or unknown, they (the veterans) have renounced what are accounted pleasures and cheerfully undertaken all self-denials; privations, toils, dangers, sufferings, sicknesses, mutilations, life-long hurts and losses, death itself—For some great good, dimly seen but dearly held.
- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain,
Memorial Day 1897 



  1. Through all generations, we will remember.

  2. Nice photos. I was reminded of the First World War dead a couple of weeks ago when I visited the Commonwealth War Graves in Baghdad. The dead were from the Mesopotamian Campaign and the rebellion in the 1920s. It was a lonely and quiet place in the midst of an otherwise crowded and chaotic city. I'll be doing a post about it for Osprey Publishing's blog probably next week.

    1. Thanks Sean, the second is at the Boer War Memorial in York. It's incredible how many CWGC graves are dotted around the world, often in such locations as you describe - look forward to seeing your post!


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